Through the clever containment of a single location and only one on-screen character, Monolith surveils disgraced journalist (rising star Lily Sullivan) as she turns to podcasting to salvage her career, before uncovering a strange artefact that she believes is evidence of an alien conspiracy. The teasing mystery is a product of the ground-breaking Film Lab: New Voices initiativ...


  1. 1电路护士 9.0
  2. 2哥斯拉大战金刚2:帝国崛起 5.0
  3. 3猩球崛起:新世界 2.0
  4. 4神奇动物在哪里2 6.0
  5. 5死亡密码 4.0
  6. 6占领 4.0
  7. 7巨物 3.0
  8. 8变鬼2 3.0
  9. 9奇幻精灵事件簿 6.0
  10. 10再会亡灵 7.0
  11. 11新变种人 2.0
  12. 12勿忘我2009 4.0
  13. 13一千灵异夜之凶穴粤语 8.0
  14. 14外太空的莫扎特 10.0
  15. 15僵尸参将 9.0
  16. 16仿生人 8.0
  17. 17银河护卫队3 10.0
  18. 18流浪地球2 2.0
  19. 19捕鼠者 2.0
  20. 20乔纳森 8.0
  21. 21星之彩 10.0
  22. 22摩羯星一号 6.0
  23. 23小熊维尼:血染蜂蜜2 2.0
  24. 24星门深渊 7.0
  25. 25拜访小屋 10.0
  26. 26江南丧尸 10.0
  27. 27活跳尸2 5.0
  28. 28机械危情 7.0
  29. 29星球大战7:原力觉醒 3.0
  30. 30超蛙战士 5.0